Now that there has been another round of layoffs at work, I'm looking around for even more ways to cut back so we can attack the debt even more aggressively. I had been putting this one off for awhile, but yesterday I cancelled our digital cable. Eeek! I know lots of people have gotten rid of cable entirely, but we're not ready to take that step quite yet. We have discussed it, and obviously if one of us were to lose our job that would certainly be one of the first things to go. But for now it's baby steps. It takes an additional $18+ off our bill each month. It all adds up, right?
I haven't been couponing as hard as I had been, with all the Thanksgiving rush (though I did score a 19.2-pound Butterball turkey for $12.01 with coupons at Publix), but this week I've been getting my act back together. I picked up a few freebies today -- the Yoplait Fiber One yogurt 4-packs were B1G1, making them 1.25 each, and I had two 1.25 off coupons, plus I had another Healthy Choice $2 off coupon and the HC complete meals were on sale at Bi-Lo this week for 1.98 each. I had to get a raincheck at Publix for the 1.79 chicken breasts since they were completely out, but that price is too good not to stock up! I'm eager to see what tomorrow's sale flyers offer up to match with coupons!
6 months ago
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